Apartments near UGA Fraternity Row | Athens, GA

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Apartments near UGA Fraternity Row | Athens, GA

UGA Fraternity Houses

Athens apartments near Fraternity Row

If you are involved with a UGA fraternity, you might want to look for UGA fraternity row apartments during your apartment search. Fraternities and sororities are popular at the University of Georgia, but unlike the sororities, UGA fraternities don't have a specific "row" that they keep to. You can find most of the fraternity houses, or "Frat Row" on Milledge Avenue, where the sorority houses also are. On the other side of UGA's campus, you'll find another grouping of houses on East Campus Road known as Greek Park. These two groups have most of the houses, however, there are still a few spread out around the rest of campus and downtown Athens. If you are considering joining a fraternity, there are a few other things you should know. While fraternities are a little more secretive about their "rush" and initiations, the process does take longer than the sororities' rush process. However, once you have joined the fraternity, you will make lots of memories and connections, plus some reserved seating at football games.

Things to do around UGA fraternity row apartments

With both groupings of fraternity houses being close to Five Pointsand downtown, there are a lot of great things to do close by. Five Points is named as such because it lies at the intersection of five different roads, all prominent streets in Athens. It has a smaller town, and an artsy vibe, with a local pub, a chocolate shop, and an Earth Fare. Cali n Tito's, an Athens favorite, also has a Five Points location.  Downtownalso has a ton of fun activities to do. Most of Athenian's favorite restaurants are downtown, like the Place, Clocked, Jinya, and Pauley's Crepe Bar. There are also UGA apparel shops, shoe stores, and vinyl shops downtown. Most of the other fraternity houses are sprinkled downtown, with a few near Prince Avenue, which is near Creature Comforts, the classic Athens brewery.

UGA apartments near fraternity row

Since fraternity row is quite spread out, you will have more options in terms of apartments for rent. If your house is in Greek Park, you will be only a short walk from downtown, which means you will be close to a lot of the high-rise, luxury apartments there. On Milledge, you are more likely to see apartment communities with only three stories, as well as cottage-style apartments, typically with large floor plans. Most of these apartments on Milledge are catered to students in Greek Life, so it is a great area to live in if you are affiliated. If you are having a hard time deciding between living in the house or renting somewhere else, know that there are other choices around if you start looking early. UGA Apartmentsnear these prime locations tend to go fast, so don't wait around.

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